Saturday, June 7, 2008

People Who Hate Sports

This post doesn't apply to people who think that watching sports on tv is boring, just to people who hate all sports entirely.

People who hate sports . . .
You know the people that I'm talking about. They consider themselves to be intellectuals, avant-garde, and better than the interests of the simple man. They sit around at coffee-houses and read classic literature while decrying people who read books for entertainment as opposed to intellectual stimulation. They wear "spectacles" instead of glasses and attending art shows and poetry readings.
Well I have one thing to say to those people, FUCK YOU.
You aren't any better than anyone else. You're probably just some post-modern idiot who lacks even the most basic level of creativity or artistic ability and make up for it by trying to be weird in order to draw attention to how pathetic you really are. You surround yourself with other weridos in an attempt to make yourself feel better about being a total loser.
Sure, sports may be the opiate of the masses, but sports are entertaining. It is fun to watch sports, and it is fun to play sports. You may think that football is just televised brutality that leads to a desensitized America, but that is ridiculous. What leads to a desensitized America is not sports, but uncontrollable levels of crime in communities and bad parenting. Those are the problem, not sports.
And you know what? Sports is more fun than looking at someone who thinks that shitting in a bucket and calling it "performance art".


Malach the Merciless said...

You just descibed Malach, but Malach loves sports.
Now Murk should make a blog: "To People Who Hate New England Sports".

Dr. Robert J. Murk said...

To People Who Hate New Englend Sports: FUCK YOU!

Spot on Angryman.

I hart art tyes who claim to hate hypocrates, but get all hypocritical when I say I love sports.

FreeOscar said...

I call shitting in a bucket sexy.

AngryMan said...

I just don't understand why people would put a blanket rejection on sports. I mean, it's like refusing to like black people. It's stupid.

Stupid like C.Rag.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I hate people who hate sports. Just like I hate niggers, spicks, queers, and all those foreign people. Cause I'm an open-mimded athlete. Lets play sports!